BlueCraft Features
This post might be long because of the vast information being displayed here. But I assure you that reading the whole post will worth it. You can absorb several informations, features and commands about the server you are playing with.
This are the only plugins that can be used/exposed to the players. Some of my plugins are for admin use only so I decided not to post it here anymore.
- ChestShop
- iConomy
- iZone
- Lockette
- MonsterApocalypse
- Residence
- ResidenceSigns
- TravelPad
- KeepItems
- BattleNight - description will be posted soon
- MobArena - description will be posted soon
- Heroes - description will be posted soon
Description and Information of the following plugins above
■iConomy - an economic plugin allows players to have a hand held moneys. You can use this money to buy/sell items, buy lots, and rent houses. To view your current money simply type /money. It will generate how much money do you have in your hands.
■Residence - this plugin permits you to buy lands/houses which are protected from monsters, fires, explosion, griefs. After buying a property you can set some flags bases on your wants. Flags are the settings which you can toggle it on or off. To set up flags on your residence use the following format command.
/res set <residence> <flag> <true/false>
Residence is the name of your residence while flag is located below
These are the set of flags you can use
<animals> | Controls animals spawning. True = allows spawning, false = prevents spawning. Includes external commands such as /spawnmob. Animals include: Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Wolf. |
<creeper> | Controls creeper explosions. True = creepers explode and damage as normal, false = creepers do no damage to players or blocks. Does not prevent creepers spawning. |
<damage> | Controls all damage to players in the Residence. True = damage occurs as normal, false = prevents all damage. Does not stop block damage. |
<firespread> | Controls fire spread. True = allows firespread, false = prevents firespread. |
<flow> | Controls whether or not liquid flows are allowed. True = allows, false = disallows. Is overridden by 'lavaflow' and 'waterflow'. |
<healing> | Controls if the zone heals people. True = heals at half a heart per second, false = normal server rules. |
<ignite> | Controls fire ignition. True = allows ignition, false = prevents ignition. |
<lavaflow> | Controls whether lava can flow. True = lava flows normally, false = lava does not flow from source block. Overrides 'flow'. |
<monsters> | Controls monsters spawning. True = allows spawning, false = prevents spawning. Includes external commands such as /spawnmob. Monsters include: Creeper, Giant, Monster (Human mob/Steve), Skeleton, Spider, (Pig)Zombie. |
<piston> | Controls use of pistons. True = pistons operate normally, false = pistons do not change state. Does not control placing or breaking pistons. |
<pvp> | Controls PVP. True = designates PVP arena, false = players cannot attack other players or tamed wolves in the residence. |
<tnt> | Controls TNT explosions. True = TNT explodes and damages as normal, false = TNT does no damage to players or blocks. Does not prevent TNT placing or breaking. |
<waterflow> | Controls whether water can flow. True = water flows normally, false = water does not flow from source block. Overrides 'flow'. |
Here are some following commands which are useful for your residence.
/res rename - [OldName] [NewName] Rename a residence.
/res unstuck - moves you outside the protected area your in
/res tpset - set the teleport location in your residence.
/res tp [residence] - teleport to a location
/res list - list residences you own
/res give [residence] [player] - Gives residence to another player. Player must be online and you have to own the residence.
/res message [residence] [enter/leave] [message] - sets a enter or leave area message.
/res message [residence] remove [enter/leave] - removes a enter or leave message.
■ResidenceSigns - Instead of players using /res market buy lot1 or /res market rent house1 to buy several residences you can now simply right click on signs to rent or buy lands considered that you have the exact amount of money to rent or buy one.
■ChestShop - it allows players to buy and sell stuffs via chest and signs. Right click the sign next to a chest to buy stuffs based on how much is that stuff per quantity. Left click to sell that quantity of stuffs for money.
This is a sample text in a sign beside a chest.
AcrobotPL - the owner of the chest
64 - the amount of stuffs he sells per transactions
B 10:5 S - is the price of goods based on its quantity. B stands for buy and S stands for sell
Diamond - is the stuff which he want to sell
In this picture you can buy 64 diamonds for 10 dollars and sell 64 Diamonds for 5 dollars
To start with :
- Place a chest
- Fill the chest with the stuff you want to sell
- Place a sign beside the chest
- On the sign, write:
(Item name can actually be item ID or alias)
First line will be filled in by the plugin automatically.
Item amount will be the quantity you want to sell or buy for every transaction.
Price is a combination of buy and sell price.
You have to have B near buy price (people buy from you), and S near sell price (people sell to you).
If you have both B and S, separate them with a colon :
For example:
To delete your own shop simply hold sneak (left shift key) while attacking the sign to prevent transactions to occur.
■iZone - is the one responsible for giving several protections on some area's around the map. Only the admin can setup this plugin. It can prevent mobs from entering areas, prevent fire from scattering, prevent adding and destroying blocks from an area, toggles pvp on or off in an area, prevents explosions, restrict some players from entering an area, a welcome and farewell text for players upon entering or leaving areas and more.
■KeepItems - losing items and resetting experience to 0 after dying is a very major pain in our gaming but this plugin will prevent them from losing/resetting if you die.
■MonsterApocalypse - Monster's behaviors and properties are now more controllable by the admins. Some tough monsters, monster can sniff players from a wide distances, Archer Skeleton can fire arrow at long range, monster can see you through walls, creepers explosions conjures fire, and more. This settings has been configured by the administrator.
■Lockette - is a plugin which grants lock to chests, dispensers, furnaces, and doors leaving some intruders unable to enter private doors and open private chests/furnaces/dispensers. Haven't tested yet if it works to all players so try it for yourself.
Working with Chests/Furnaces/Dispensers:
Working with Chests/Furnaces/Dispensers:
To use, simply place a signpost on the floor directly beside a chest or other container to be locked. Enter [Private] as the first line. Your own name will automatically be entered on line 2 as the chest owner. Optionally type in the full names of two other users allowed to access the chest's inventory on lines 3 and 4.
When done correctly, the sign will automatically fix itself to the side the target chest, protecting it from unauthorized access! Only the chest's owner can then break the sign or chest. (Warning: Anyone with permission to use WorldEditcommands or similar can circumvent the protection by removing the sign.)
Additionally, you can enter [Everyone] on lines 3 or 4 instead of a user name to allow everyone access to the contents of a private container, or [Operators] to allow ops access. If a Permissions plugin is available, you can use groups like [Moderator] or [Admins] or others as defined in the Permissions settings files.
The owner of a container can add more users by placing additional signs beside the container with the heading [More Users], where lines 2-4 specify the names of the additional users. You can edit the users on previously placed signs by right clicking the sign, and using the command '/lockette <line number> <text>' to change it.
When done correctly, the sign will automatically fix itself to the side the target chest, protecting it from unauthorized access! Only the chest's owner can then break the sign or chest. (Warning: Anyone with permission to use WorldEditcommands or similar can circumvent the protection by removing the sign.)
Additionally, you can enter [Everyone] on lines 3 or 4 instead of a user name to allow everyone access to the contents of a private container, or [Operators] to allow ops access. If a Permissions plugin is available, you can use groups like [Moderator] or [Admins] or others as defined in the Permissions settings files.
The owner of a container can add more users by placing additional signs beside the container with the heading [More Users], where lines 2-4 specify the names of the additional users. You can edit the users on previously placed signs by right clicking the sign, and using the command '/lockette <line number> <text>' to change it.
Working with Doors:
To protect a door, you can use the same method as protecting a container, the sign will attach to the door automatically. In addition, you can attach a [Private] wall sign to any side of the blocks just above or just below a door. For double doors only one side needs a sign. Door support is enabled by default in the config file.
Once a door is protected it will only open for someone listed as a user, and will not respond to redstone power or switches unless [Everyone] is listed as a user. Iron doors which usually won't open from clicking will work just as wooden doors. In addition, double doors will open together automatically!
You can also use [More Users] signs as with containers, with the caveat that the sign cannot be placed on the block above the door if the [Private] sign is not above the door as well! (This is done to prevent a security uncertainty issue.)
Once a door is protected it will only open for someone listed as a user, and will not respond to redstone power or switches unless [Everyone] is listed as a user. Iron doors which usually won't open from clicking will work just as wooden doors. In addition, double doors will open together automatically!
You can also use [More Users] signs as with containers, with the caveat that the sign cannot be placed on the block above the door if the [Private] sign is not above the door as well! (This is done to prevent a security uncertainty issue.)
■TravelPad - allows a player to teleport when standing a travelpad to another travelpad by entering commands. /travelpad tp [name] where [name] is the name of the pad you wish to teleport to.
TravelPad allows each player build a one portal, you build it on the ground, name it, and then you can share the name with whoever you like so they can get there. Anyone can teleport to your Travel Pad!
Build a travel pad like this:
(brick on the side and obsidian in the middle )
Each player is allowed only one pad, however, if a player wishes to remove a Travel Pad at any time, they simply must break the obsidian center of it, or stand on top of it and type /travelpad delete. This will unregister their portal and allow them to create another one wherever they like.
If a player is wandering around and finds a travel pad, they may find out what the name of it is by standing on top of it and typing /travelpad identify.